One of my favorite things to speak on! This is the difference between accomplishing anything, becoming stagnant, or falling down. ALL add to your mindset, from looking at what was, what is present, and of course, what is to come/what can be. My specialty lends itself to what can BE and it's realization.
The excitement in the anticipation of something an individual is able to perceive, whether or not it is tangible in the NOW moment, creates such a satisfying feeling for me, a person thinks I'm crazy that simply helping shouldn't be that great ... that's not a take I share however. Just as a point guard assist with scoring, just like a barber assist with styling, just like a mechanic assist with repair, just like a teacher assist with knowledge, just like a finance officer assist with investing, just like an ambassador assist with diplomacy ... I can go on and on and on ... their passion is significance in people; and they've chosen their method in expressing it.
Mine is macro-level transformation. I figure out, truly, what you want and guide a client to that. In fact, every person reading THIS has potential to be a prospective client. Not everyone reading this is lost or "stuck in the mud" or depressed or struggling, but everyone reading this wouldn't mind assistance in some form in their lives. Here's a truth I've always experienced in my coaching: if a client was in therapy or counseling prior, they've felt so confident in MY ability, they've quit going to THAT and they've became exceedingly productive from the point in which we've came to know one another. I have yet to disappoint a client in about 50 separate cases. I'd say, a good 80% of people I've interacted with during consultation shifted enough to where family and friends weren't able to help; let alone specialized persons such as therapists, psychologists, and counselors. Those that have committed to the process achieved their goals well within 30 days: from divorce and marriage counseling, to getting people ready to date again, to business upstart, physical fitness, experiencing the locale, job attainment, etc. find it sufficient to say: I'm a BAAAAAAAAD man! Goals, dreams, desires, wants, soon to be haves - You will get there! It is my absolute promise!
"Okay J, so what's the deal with emotions being the 6th sense and how it is underused??"
If you've asked this question, you may not feel the confidence flowing to you in reading the words, even with a Muhammad Ali reference and followed by a picture with a quote, and that's fine. Verily so. So I'd ask if you would, to soften any stances and prepare to receive the information from this point.
A simple google search in defining the word "sense".
1. a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
The body perceives an external stimulus? That definition limits the power of emotions however, I will rectify this presently, then provide entertaining and exaggerated examples because my audience enjoys laughing and drawing parallel! With emotions, the body perceives an internal stimulus. There is nothing outside of you that causes any of it, nor give you inspired action, ONLY your own experiences stimulate something within (because nobody can feel what you are feeling at any exact moment; nor the depth) with practice, you absolutely can change any emotion at whim. This means, with absolution, nobody is causing you to feel anything AT ALL, your observation or focus on anything does. It is a stimulus, or response, remember?
Now how's that for value?! "Give us more!" Fine ...
They are indicators of any given thing at any given time. It is absolute fact that you DO NOT need anything physical in front of you to trigger any emotion. One can think of puppies, their children's smile, a promotion, etc. and feel happiness. In the like, one can imagine someone causing harm to anyone that the individual love and feel anger. For the sake of the power of thought, I only provided one example, however, I think you get the point. I'm going to revisit this point in a moment by shifting attention to the external ones briefly ...
Do the exercise: imagine slicing a lemon, taking one of its wedges and SQUEEZING the juice into your mouth ... did you salivate?? If you're receptive to the information, it did. Continuing ...
In the like, one's emotions can and will be expanded upon the longer the selected emotions are to stay there. In fact, the evidences of their personal truths come out of this on any variety of topics, but as I've offered many clients, and in a previous blog:
WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING? Consider. Choose. Commit.
If you like it, good. If not, don't justify it, change it. How about that?! "We need more! We don't get how it's valuable to us yet!" Fine ...
Let's imagine we dislike bitter drinks. In the same manner that we don't hate our mouths for tasting something bitter, or cut off our tongues, we'd choose something else to drink because we'd know that our satisfaction our only wish. Literally.
Let's imagine we're listening to music and dislike symphony, yet it plays through the radio. We don't throw a fit at violins, rip our ears off the side of our heads, break the radio, etc. We'd listen to something else. thinking back on this example ... some of us would break the radio, lol.
Let's imagine we're touched a hot burner on the stove. You don't get mad at your hand for touching, you accept the experience for what it was and become more cautious and confident through the experience. ALL of them to be frank. They are indicators to you whether or not you like something and to continue or discontinue something.
So I don't care if you're heartbroken, sullen, angry, pessimistic, and on and on and on with negative emotion, it doesn't affect me literally. It's only my choosing to have stimulus with that in which I perceive that does. In Layman's: If I don't like something, I have authority over myself to change it to something I do, and at minimum, not experience it. We can literally choose if the emotion is serving us for our benefit and whether or not we're going toward the things we want or not.
If the highest version of yourself is happy, in which I'm certain everyone is in agreement, then I believe as well that the highest version of yourself is compelled to not perceive stimulus in negativity or actively entertain it. Not a single person. In fact, the highest version of yourself is PROBABLY and actively pursuing things of a satisfying nature at all times. And in the like, if you're choosing to pursue negative emotion, you're producing negativity. Energy doesn't lie, no matter what a person may say.
Once more: Consider. Choose. Commit. There are a few of you that has had growth from an unexpected place after reading, or even know of someone that does. I implore you share this information, unless you're stingy, lol. "This is MY life coach, I don't wanna share!" Seriously though, people with anxiety and heavy stress will absolutely benefit, and at minimum can reach out for help.
Did I mention that people fire their therapists and counselors after one session with me? You know why? They expand the problem, which doesn't serve their patient. But why would they do THAT? It keeps people coming into their office indefinitely, and with patients comes money. I'm not saying all therapists and counselors are this way, I'm just saying you cannot heal trauma by inducing trauma. Further more, they aren't exactly inexpensive. I am more affordable, more successful in shorter time, and again, I don't focus on what was or is ... what can be and it's realization rather. Not only that, you'd have access to me (this is negotiated by the way) and we WILL achieve a variety of goals together, from psychological to material gains. It doesn't matter what they are, largely, minus anything outside of your own power.
So how's that? Any further clarity needed, give me a shout! Consultation is free and you can do that from the home page, as well as call or send an e-mail. That information is located on the homepage as well. And don't fight the urge to check out the other stuff like merchandise and videos!
Oh let's try a permanent exercise: BE the highest version of yourself. If you can play the game throughout up until this point, we might as well intend to be deliberate on purpose.
With divine love,