My gift to you: (Thank you Mavis BTW). Past, present, and future is still relative, in the fact that there is ONLY now. Huh?
There is only now. There is now in present tense, I think we unanimously accept that. BUT then, the past, WAS now and what is to come, the future, will be now. Right now will be then, so to will be what is to come, and all of THAT is still NOW. Following?
Your power only lives here. Meaning everything you create out of now will draw momentum toward itself, because the totality of that which you are is pulling toward yourself AND of what you have previously been actively focusing on what was then YOUR now. Any desire you've ever had then, leads you to now, and can be expanded further into eternity with focus on it. Both wanted and unwanted, as we are powerful creators co-creating the scenarios for those said, desires. This is why being deliberate with intention is important. We learn through the process of elimination what we do want. Even the unwanted thing ... don't get anxiety on me, I can absolutely coach you through releasing even that!
And so ...
Your now has joined you to us here for the sake of expansion. You are actively choosing your condition. You are actively consuming and moving toward what is dominant within. Action leads to the physical expression, yes, but imagination and sensitivity to that which is guiding you are more valuable indicators. Be that which you want, eliminate that which doesn't serve the want, and expect the want to come.
IT still come subtly at first, but as more focused thought + action with accompanying feelings are added to now, the more IT unfold to you, in now, in a variety of ways. The more practiced momentum in now, the more of that which you seek appears in ALL that is.
So how does this fit in for YOUR benefit?
Be deliberate. Be happy. Believe.
Consider. Choose. Commit.
With abundant love,
Thank you for your kind words! Remember, there is always inspired action that creates the scenarios. And we ALL get inspiration through an evoking of feelings, whatever they are, and those are expanded across time. Think + feel + act. Thank you again, as always, your feedback is deeply appreciated!
" You are actively consuming and moving toward what is dominant within." Beautifully written, most times we forget the purpose and our ability to create as you said we are powerful creators and use our "powers" to call unto things which we don't want only because we put so much thought into the unwanted not realizing that we are creating it into our now. This is very enlightening and I am beyond pleased and proud to be a part of this journey.